After world War 2 , Syria was the territory denoted as the land of diversity. Several different community could live together with each other regardless of the differences. British, french and america all agreed to leave Syria without any interference.
Hafez al-Assad became the president of Syria in 1971, and he swore to modernize the country. He went on to modernize the country at a level never seen before in Syria. However this behemoth modernization came at the cost of several brutal repressions in the country. Although the economy grew but at a huge cost of people being thrown out of the homes, directly into the factory as forced laborers.
Historically whenever repression happens through the state, it leads to the common solidarity among the people, but as we saw in Syria, people did unite but within several communities. As it is seen that there are 8% Christians, 3%Shiites, 12%Alawites, 74%Sunnis and 3% Druzes. Among the groups highest population is of Sunnis but the powerful group emerged out in the regime of Hafez was Alawites.
After the death of Hafez-Al-Assad , Bashar-AL-Assad succeeded to the throne and he tried to be conciliatory to the public. He tried to include every group regardless of the dynamics into the state institutions. However at the first dissent lead by public , angered Bashar and he ordered the military to bring the dissent to rest. The political miscalculation of suppressing the revolt proved futile. It lead to a series of revolts across the country. It was also the time of Spring revolutions in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and other middle east countries. The demagogue of Tunisia, Egypt was crushed by the revolutions while, Qaddafi of Libya did faced a successive civil war. Although in the case of Bashar Al Assad, knowing that the revolutions are rising across the middle east he decided to act in two ways.
1) He opened up the economy to mass produce the Jobs in Syria.
2) He decided to take foreign help Russia and China.
As every action has consequences the following actions lead to,
1) The jobs that were opened up by the economy were taken up by Alawites leaving rest of the groups in shatters.
2) Taking foreign help from Russia pissed America and they decided to back the groups for coup.
However America couldn't find the group the coincide with there ideology and do as they say. So they funded the groups but with limited resources just to create the troubles and not a actual coup.
The aids given my Russia and China were massive and the eagerness of America to win over the country was also no less.
As it is said, Chaos is a ladder for capitalists, the current Syrian quagmire has given ample chances of America to demonstrate there new generations missile and gave Russians to portray there missile defense systems. As of today, america landed 30 missiles to demolish southern Damascus while Syrian army is using the Russian anti-Missile system to protect there citizens.
The colossal picture the come out of the paroxysmal attack in Syria is that it had become a playground to demonstrate missiles that which could also be sold at the next International defense Expo. The same developing country that are shouting , save humanity in Syria will buy those defense systems that are currently in display.
It also demystify the capitalist joke that take humanity for fun, the International Media houses that are showing the Trump strategy for Syria that shouldn't be in direct conflict with Russia, knows that capitalist of both country wants such a playground for there missiles. But guess what they will never tell you the inside game that is fixed.
Everyone knows that Russia and America are never going to fight, Trump and Putin are also very good friends. Even then the western media will make you believe that both countries are just inch away from fighting each other. The media also loves the TRP it generates as what else CNN OR BBC is surviving on? Have they ever talked about the humans that die because of the conflict? If they ever talk about humanity it will also be because they want to generate TRP rating even from that. But they will forever hide the truth from you and me.
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