Do you think it not worth your time reading my blog, i give you 10 bucks if it is? haha
Hey guys, I am Dhruv Sharma, thanks for coming over and stopping by my blog. I am a behemoth writer on social issue, and i have a special interests in political ideologies. I did my bachelors from ambedkar university in psychology and Masters from South Asian university.
I am part time worker in making jokes, and a part time worker in writer serious political articles.
I am writing a novel, "Its aleatory love" it will be in book stores soon and i will be the first one to provide my link you to.
Since from the audience and traffic sources by now i have seen that, i do have a awesome following from Ukraine, America and Poland, big HI to you, if you love reading my articles, do write me back at dhruvsharma25@gmail.com.
I would love to see your responses.
You can also DM me at www.twitter.com/dhruvsharmaIND
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